Resources Overview

Rabia Library

Afghanistan Learns Online has its own designated online or digital library, the name of the library is ‘Rabia Library’. This is a resources page where the teachers can upload digital books,
articles, essays, scholarly research, and news. The students will be able to download and or read online.

The digital library is named after Rabia Balkhi, a 10th-century writer who composed poetry in Persian and Arabic. Rabia is the first known female poet to write in Persian.

Afghanistan Learns Online

Afghanistan Learns Online is an online teaching and learning educational program for young Afghan women in Afghanistan. It is a groundbreaking initiative designed to provide access to education and skills development by Women Leaders of Tomorrow organisation in Canada. The goal is to pave the way for these talented individuals to pursue higher education through scholarships and alternative pathways.


PO Box 18454 West Georgia RPO
Vancouver, BC V6Z 0B3

© Afghanistan Learns Online | Website by Steph Cross